It was mentioned in the EPEL reports and on the epel-devel-list already, but it might be good to announce it here as well: after leading the EPEL effort/the EPEL Steering Committee for about one year I'm stepping down as chairmen and leave the EPEL Steering Committee to make room for new members and fresh ideas.
Some minutes ago Stephen J Smoogen (smooge) was elected as new chairmen for the EPEL Steering Committee. Congrats smmoge! I'm sure you'll do a good job and get some new ideas realized in EPEL.
I'll stay involved in EPEL, but I'd like to focus a bit on RPM Fusion over the next few months. In the past weeks keeping EPEL and Livna running consumed most of my free time which kind of sucked as RPM Fusion really needs more attention; hopefully we can make it lift of soon (the current situations kind of reminds me of the FC2/FC3 days when the real Fedora Extras also started quite slowly...).
P.S.: Since a few days EPEL5 & EPEL5 testing include about 2000 packages (counting RPMS here, not SRPMS). I'd say that quite a lot what we got into EPEL in the past months since EPEL started. Another reason to make room for some fresh ideas in the EPEL Steering Committee.
Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008
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